Monday, 21 October 2013

reuse recycle re-invent!!!

There are many household items that can be used to pot plants in - without the expense of buying new potting containers!!!

Our old kitchen sink
Old firemans bucket!!!
Our old bath tub!! 

Old cookie jar
Very old rusted light fitting
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Mackaya bella

Mackaya bella - River Bells - waiting for this tree to flower for many years - again all our rain and humid weather has helped.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Schotia brachpetalaurban

Schotia brachpetala - Weeping Boer Bean - Tree Fuschia - the floor of my little forest is red with all the fallen flowers

These flowers are full of nectar - the wild life around this tree when it flowers is just unbelievable. Full of Sun birds, Bee eaters, Mannikums, White eyes, Louries all after the nectar or the searching for others after the nectar such as bees, butterflies and beatles. 

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Tetradenia riparia Durban-20130709-01816.jpg

Another beautiful winter flowering plant. The soft delicate lilacy flowers of the Tetradenia riparia or as it is known to the Africans - Iboza. Lovely, just pick leaves, tear and throw into bath to relieve sore muscles, also used in traditional medicine as an inhalation to cure head colds!! 

Friday, 28 June 2013


Eugenia capensis

Juicy berries from Eugenia capensis - the branches of this tree were hanging so low with this heavy laden fruit, the vervet monkeys just devoured them.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Dermatobotrys saundersii

Dermatobotrys saundersii - Tree jockey.
This plant belongs to the Snapdragon family. It is an Epiphytic forest shrub,  fairly rare and not that easy to grow. Iv'e had this one for 2 years now and there are times when it really appears to be dead, then all of a sudden a few leaves and these little orange tubular flowers that last about 10 days, then these hard scaly dark berries appear - you can see them in the background on the left. A really strange unpredictable plant!!

Leonotis leonorus

I don't have much sun in my garden so this was a lovely surprise - Leonotis leonorus (wild dagga) with it's fire orange flowers.

Rose Quartz

These Plectranthus have just flourished with the pieces of Rose Quartz placed around them.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Impala Lilly

This Impala Lilly I have had for 15 years - I always look forward to its flowers at the beginning of winter.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Indigfera frutescens

Indigofera frutescens - seeds, as soon as the winter afternoon sun falls on these seeds they snap open  - with everyone wondering what that noise is!!

Saturday, 11 May 2013

2 new flowering plants - so special !!

First time Ruttya fruiticosa has flowered - gift from Pam at Driefontein nusery.
Jammy Mouth has been in my garden for about 2 years, eventually decided to flower - they larger flowers than expected about 4cm in length and 1cm wide. They gorgeous.
.... and then I spot after being in my garden for about 3 years of no flowering  - Metarungia  longistrobus,  well this is what I bought it as - checked my books didn't correlate -  Googled and  I have Metarungia pubinervia,  Red Sundird Bush similar to Haleria lucida with  flowers shooting off the stem of the plant - such a surprise, all under cover outside my office - must be the crystal influence. Follow this link by Geoff Nichols for more about this beautiful Red Sunbird bush

These flowers are tooo beautiful - they shoot off the stem of the plant in this deep oxygenated blood red. No wonder they are missed by all, the flowers are not seen unless you move the branches and look beneath.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Autumn flowers this morning - all the Chakra colours

Was not aware of taking pics of all chakra colours - even have Soul Star -  but when editing noticed there was one of each - amazing - looks like spring!! All same morning in my Living garden

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